Ring and Sing Music

Ring and Sing: Choir Music with Bell Accompaniment

What better way to liven your choir than with bells or chimes? Here you’ll find a variety of music your choir can sing to while creating their own accompaniment. It’s easily marked and fun for vocalists of all ages to help you better enjoy the holiday season.

Music TypeTitleSampleDownload
SATB with HandbellsChristmas Is...

Unison/ Hand Bells & MP3Jesus so Tiny Bb

Unison/Hand Bells & MP3Jesus so Tiny C

Unison/ Hand Bells Christmas Ring and Sing
Unison/ Hand BellsHoliday Ring and Sing
Unison/ Hand BellsSacred Christmas Ring and Sing
Unison / Hand BellsFolk SongNA
Unison / Hand BellsSmiles Junior Ring and SingNADownload
Unison / Hand BellsHappy Birthday Ring and Sing